5 Yoga Poses for Mental Health Wellness
Yoga is an exercise that involves various stretching and breathing techniques that helps you get in shape and clear your mind. This exercise is ideal for connecting your mind, body, and soul.
While most people have tried yoga at least once in their lives, several people are just starting. Therefore, we have gathered the top 5 yoga poses for improving your mental health and wellness, with video tutorials.
1. Anjaneyasana
This pose is also famous as the high lunge since it is an extended version of the regular lunge. This pose is extremely effective for enhancing your overall blood circulation and making you feel at peace.
You can perform this pose by starting with the lunging position, where one knee is bent parallel to the ground, and the other is bent in a way that your heel touches the ground. Then you will lift both your arms high up in the sky and join your hands together in a Namaste pose. You should retain this pose for five breaths.
2. Natarajasana
This pose looks like a typical Indian dancer’s pose. However, it’s super helpful with depression management. All you need to do is stand up with one leg upright, and your foot placed firmly on the ground.
You will then bend your torso forward and lift the other leg in a bent position, such that your arm can get a hold of your lifted feet. You will also extend the other arm and make a pose with your hand. You should retain this pose for five deep breaths.
3. Virabhadrasana
This pose is also famous as the warrior pose due to its strong stance that improves your steady breathing capacity. You need to stand on your two feet in such a way that one foot is in front of the other, almost in the form of a half lunge. Then you will extend your arms forward in a similar direction while keeping them straight. Five deep breaths should be enough with this pose as well.
4. Vriksasana
This pose is popular as the tree pose since it makes you stand tall and upright like a tree. It also makes you feel deeply rooted and works to centre your mind and body. It would be best if you stood straight on the ground. Then you will raise one leg up and bend it in such a way that it’s placed on top of the thigh of your other leg. Then you will bring your arms and hand together in the Namaste pose.
5. Savasana
This is by far the easiest pose, and most of us do every day. The Savasana pose requires you to lie down on the ground with both your legs stretched out and your palms should face the roof. You need to close your eyes and take deep breaths while maintaining this pose. However, it’s important not to fall asleep.