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Virtual Reality Therapy

What is Virtual Reality Therapy?

Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) is a form of therapy that uses virtual reality technology to treat psychological conditions. It involves the use of computer-generated environments to create a simulated reality that mimics the real world and is specially created to address specific therapeutic goals.

VRT typically involves the use of a headset to immerse individuals in a virtual environment. This virtual environment can be interactive, allowing users to engage with and manipulate the surroundings. The VR therapist can guide and monitor the individual’s experiences in the virtual world, tailoring the therapy to address specific psychological conditions & challenges.

VR Treatment

How is VR Therapy Used? 

  1. Exposure Therapy: VR Therapy is often used in exposure therapy, a therapeutic approach where individuals are gradually exposed to anxiety-provoking stimuli in a controlled manner. This is particularly useful for treating phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety disorders.

  2. Simulations: Virtual environments can be created to simulate situations that individuals may find challenging in real life. For example, a person with a fear of flying could undergo VRT that simulates being on an airplane.

  3. Skill Building: Virtual reality can be used to teach and practice various skills. For example, individuals with social anxiety may practice social interactions in a virtual setting to build confidence.

  4. Pain Management: VRT has been explored as a tool for pain management. By immersing individuals in a soothing or distracting virtual environment, it may be possible to reduce the perception of pain.

  5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Virtual reality can be integrated with traditional therapeutic approaches like CBT. The virtual environment can be used to create scenarios that challenge and modify negative thought patterns.

  6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment: VR Therapy has shown promise in the treatment of PTSD by allowing individuals to confront and process traumatic memories in a safe and controlled environment.

Benefits of Virtual Reality Therapy?

• Treatment protocols can be specially designed to the patient’s needs as the VR therapist can personalise the VR content based on the reactions of the patient.

• Patients have more control as they are not pushed into a real-world setting too quickly. Leading to greater control over their treatment outcome.

• It is non-invasive and no need for medication

• Provides a safe training place for both the patient and the therapist. Plus, it allows the therapist to see what the patient sees and aid when required. 

• Lowering treatment cost and longevity.

• Treatment can continue at home using their own equipment, allowing longer-term use of treatment plans. 


VR Therapy Appointments

To learn more about VR therapy can help you or to book. Contact us for more information. 

Benefits of VR Therapy

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